5. Design methods
(Preece: Chapters 17,18)
This chapter deals with design methods suitable for the design of interactive
systems - human centered desing. The basic principles of information system
design are of course valid here. We take a look at traditional waterfall
model of system development and also at some more user oriented principles
The waterfall model of software development
Application description
General description of the purpose and the functions of the system to be
Requirements specification
Detailed description of the function the systems should perform
System design
Defining the software functions and software modules
The resulting implementation of the system
The waterfall model assumes that the design is fixed before entering to
the next phase of design. Does not fit well in interactive systems.
The Soft Systems Methodology
(Checkland : Systems Thinking Systems Practice, 1981)
Checklands soft systems methodology emphasizes the role of a system
in solving problems in the use situation - in the organization that will
use the system.
The problem situation
Find out the stakeholders of the situation
The problem situation expressed
Detailed description of different opinions about the problem - suggestions
for solutions
Definitions of the system
Design on the software system
Conceptual model
Model of the resulting system - its basic concepts - abstract representation
of the system
Comparison of 4 with 2
Is the design a solution?
Feasible and desirable changes
How the system changes the situation
Actions to improve the situation
The consequenses of implementing the system and taking it in use
Keywords in SSM = CATWOE
Weltanschauung (world view)
The Star Model
(Hartson and Hix: Developing User Interfaces, 1993)
The design of interactive systems typically does not follow a specific
order of steps.
The design can start in any step - followed by evaluation
Design emphasizes rapid prototyping
Alternating waves of analytic (top-down) and synthetic (bottom-up)
design steps
Needs good software tools