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picture sun 1
picture sun 2
picture islands
picture replot bridge 1
picture replot bridge 2
picture island winter
picture sea
© 2011 Tobias Glocker, Wolffintie 34, 65200 Vaasa, Finland
Tobias Glocker
University Teacher and Researcher

Office hours: by appointment
Room: B328
Tel (Office): 029 4498277
Tel (Mobile): +35850 4308128
Tel (Private): +35844 9752346
E-mail:tglo(at)uwasa.fi (repl. (at) with @)
Tobias Glocker

University of Applied Sciences Ulm (October 2001 - February 2006)
Diploma Engineer in Computer Science

University of Vaasa (September 2006 - June 2010)
Diploma Engineer / Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering

Research Interests:

- Security and Safety Systems
- Embedded Systems
- Artificial Intelligence