Anita Nuopponen: Publications on Terminology Science and Work
The major part of my research and publications revolve around Systematic Concept Analysis with which I refer to utilizing relationships between concepts and concept systems they build as the tools of analyzing concepts. The basic idea comes from the classic Terminology Science: no concept is alone but a part of a larger network of concepts, and if you need to define one concept you have to scrutinize its relations to a certain amount of other concepts too. There are many types of concept relations between concepts: some of them are based on logical reasoning, others on observed relations between referred entities. Therefore I have concentrated on finding out and classifying various types of relations and connections that there may be between concepts, and the types of networks or systems they build. As a flexible tool I introduced so called satellite model (or system/method) in the 1980's in order to solve the problem of having to assign each and every one relation or system type a graphic representation of its own. It was later on that I came in contact with mind maps, and various types of mind map software has been indeed useful to compile conceptual information in a purposeful way for the Systematic Concept Analysis and to visualize satellite systems.
Here is a collection of my papers on Terminology Science. Some of the texts are not the final proof-read versions and do not correspond entirely the printed articles. Page numbers in only a couple of articles are precisely the same as in printed ones. There is at first a chronological list of terminology related publications and then the same publications have been classified in overlapping thematic groups. If some of the links don't work, please, contact me.
Olen koonnut tähän joitain terminologiaan liittyviä artikkeleitani. Jotkin teksteistä eivät ole lopullisia korjattuja käsikirjoituksia, eivätkä täysin vastaa painettuja artikkeleita. Vain muutamassa on sama sivunumerointi kuin vastaavassa painetussa. Jos jokin osoite ei toimi, ota yhteyttä!
Jag har samlat här några av mina artiklar som har med terminologiläran att göra. En del av texterna saknar den slutliga korrekturläsningen och är inte identiska med de tryckta artiklarna. Bara några har samma sidonumering än de tryckta. Om någon länk inte fungerar, skicka gärna epost!
Communication Studies, University of Vaasa

En ny upplaga - Nu hos Studentlitteratur! 
Nuopponen, Anita & Nina Pilke (2010). Ordning och reda. Terminologilära i teori och praktik. 
Stockholm: Studentlitteratur 2016. 
Finns på online bokhandel, t.ex. Studentlitteratur, Adlibris, Bokus... 